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Category: Uncategorized

Top 10 Swim Workouts for All Levels from Beginner to Advanced

Swimming is one of the best forms of exercise out there. Last week I covered the list of reasons why swimming is great for your health. So, now what? If you’re like most people, you have little idea what to do once you get in the water to turn your submerged time into a full-blown workout….

8 Superfoods for a Primal Pregnancy

Superfoods are awesome, right? And, they are a subject of great interest in the primal and real food communities. So, what exactly is a superfood? According to Google, the term indicates “a nutrient-rich food considered to be especially beneficial for health and well-being,” and “superfood” first starting seeing usage in the 1960’s, with a steep rise since 1987. The idea…

How to Love Someone with an Eating Disorder

One of my close friends was diagnosed with an eating disorder earlier this year, and it was a huge wake up call for us close to her. While each one of us has our own unique relationship with food, exercise, and what we consider “healthy habits”, it is our relationships with our own bodies that…

This is How to Make REAL FOOD Easy

As I mentioned in my last post, I have been soul searching and researching ways to serve RFM’s increasing audience to give you the very BEST of health inspiration and information. Whether you come for connection, empowerment or health advice; be it insight, motivation, research, or inspiration – I want you to know in your…

How to Meditate

Lately I’ve had a lot of people ask me to support them in building a mediation practice. Meditation is a powerful tool for mind-body-spirit wellness. A good meditation routine can help with many things including anxiety and insomnia. Meditation has been shown to improve metabolism, impact fertility, and to help heal cancer, high blood pressure, and migraines….

Your Health & Your Time

What on earth could managing my time have to do with feeling great and being healthy? Well, everything and nothing. Time management can at times be a challenge for everyone. Is it for you? When we are challenged to manage time, we often start to feel afraid. This fear then creates an undercurrent of distress…

February Stitch Fix: Is it Love?

After discovering that my wardrobe has become years-old, I made one of my goals for last Fall to create a closet of new clothes that I absolutely love without breaking the bank or crushing my schedule. Enter Stitch Fix. February marks my 4th Fix, and just like they say, the 4th time is a charm. Some of you…

How to Get Healthy Without Working Out

This article is about how to get healthy without working out. It’s a funny thing for a Real Fit Mama like myself to say – I know. The truth is all around us, if we look, that health is determined by more than what we eat for breakfast and how far we run. A recent series of…

Feed Your Genes – Not your Jeans

In her book Deep Nutrition, Dr. Cate Shanahan, now the nutritionist for the LA Lakers, tells us how to feed our genes (not our jeans) by mapping out the parameters of epigenetics.  Epigenetics is the study of how our genes perform.  We have our DNA, and then we have both optimal and poor performance of our…

Homemade Almond Milk

If you haven’t had it yet, I promise you that when you try your own homemade almond milk, you will never want to go back to the boxed cartons you buy at the grocery store.  Easy to make and deliciously good for you, almond milk is rich in magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, healthy fats, and…


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