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3 Moves You Can’t Live Without

THE HAMSTRING STRETCHTime is running out to sign up for the FREE virtual online summit, New Year New You, and order the download package. I always order the download because I can’t listen on the FREE days. This BRAND NEW online conference features 5 days of interviews from 31 amazing speakers (including me talking about my tips for getting & staying motivated to exercise!).

Sometimes we all want to get down to the nitty gritty of what’s being asked of us – the uncomplicated and factual bottom line. In honor of the nitty gritty, I present you today with 3 moves you can’t live without. Whether you workout or do not, I am offering up these 3 basic ways you can embrace better health as a tribute to simplicity. We all go through periods of our lives when exercise gets placed on the back burner.  Whether it’s a family crisis, an illness or injury, or a stressful time at work, life can easily draw us away from proper care for our health, and these simple actions are a great way to ease back into things or to give our bodies a boost.


The happiness of your back is directly related to the health of your legs. The Chinese describe this relationship through the Bladder Meridian, which runs along the entire back side of the body on both sides. Whether in a sedentary lifestyle or on our feet all day, the flexibility and fluidity of the muscles in your legs determines a lot of how much support your spine has from the rest of your body. When we stretch our hamstrings, we often are also stretching from our foot, through our calf, through the hamstring, pelvis and up through the back. The secret of this stretch it that is actually stretches the whole body.

See also  DIY Peppermint Muscle Balm


Lunges are a challenging activity with big payoffs. They provide a cardio workout while improving balance, strengthening the core, flexing the feet and lower legs. Lunges help in building excellent support muscles in the gluts, abs and thighs. If necessary at first, it’s ok to hold on to the edge of a table with one hand while your body gets used to fine tuning its ability to balance in motion.


Walking burns calories, provides gentle cardio, and subtly works the entire body. It is the one exercise that is the least taxing during periods of illness, injury and recovery. It is also one of the easiest ways to start exercising again after a period of rest, and it is definitely the easiest workout to make into a social occasion and to get your friends and family to do with you. My 93 year-old grandma still walks laps around her back yard every day. If she can do it, you and I can too!

Did you enjoy this post? You can now purchase my ebook – Real Fit at Every Age for helpful workout tips, health advice, and fitness guidelines.

This post is linked to Thank Your Body Thursday.

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