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Morning Alchemy Wellness Elixir

reThis morning I made this delicious morning alchemy wellness elixir for the first time. I am now ready for the seasons to change. Let’s backtrack a few steps. It happens every year around this time: just when I think I can hold on to summer forever, something shifts in the air and Autumn alerts me that it is coming.

This morning I was on my way home from a cold cloudy morning surf session and I passed a green and red building. Suddenly I realized (though it may seem far away now) that Christmas is coming. That was all it took to remind me that Autumn is just around the corner, then Christmas and Winter just after that. My daughter starts school in just two weeks, Labor Day is around the bend, and yes, as much as I never want the summer to end, I have noticed the mornings are cooler and the days are getting shorter.

It was during this foggy drive home this morning that I came up with the recipe for this morning alchemy wellness elixir. It is as good as it sounds, and it contains the perfect alchemy for this transitional time towards the colder seasons ahead.


  • Bone broth – 1 cup
  • cinnamon – 1/8 tsp
  • raw honey – 1/4 tsp (double if you like it sweet)
  • coconut oil – 1 tsp

That’s it! Just four magical alchemical ingredients – each an elixir in its own right, but put them together and you’ve got replenishment and fortification for the day ahead, whatever it brings. Let’s take a closer look at this wellness quartet.

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Bone Broth

This potent superfood contains key amino acids, protein, vitamins, powerful minerals, gelatin, collagen, and hyaluronic acid. Basically, bone broth nourishes every cell in your body with visible and palpable results. When I think of wellness foods, bone broth is usually the first thing that comes to mind.


Cinnamon warms the interior of the body, helps get the blood flowing, alleviates cold in the outer layers of the body, and nourishes the heart’s powerful energy. It’s a perfect combatant to sleepy mornings, cold invading your muscles, and the change of seasons. Plus, it tastes yummy!

Raw Honey

Full of powerful antioxidants, this sweet superfood contains powerful enzymes to strengthen your chi. It is high in Vitamins C and B, as well as containing important minerals. Raw honey boosts digestion, strengthens the immune system, helps stabilize blood pressure, and helps to balance blood sugar.

Coconut Oil

Another one of my top favorite wellness foods, coconut oil contains nourishing saturated fat and helps to support a strong immune system. It contains lauric acid, medium chain fatty acids, antioxidants, and it helps the body to absorb minerals more efficiently.

This morning when I sipped my cup of morning alchemy wellness elixir I realized I had finally found the perfect cold morning replenishment for my body. Plus, with Fall just around the corner, we can all benefit from a daily boost of nutrient-dense beverages to support a healthy immune system and alchemical wellbeing.

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This post is featured at Party Wave Wednesday and in the blog link-up Thank Your Body Thursday.

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