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Beat the Blues: 10 Tips for Getting Out of A Slump

SlumpIt happens to all of us at times – we’re cruising along, being brilliant and experiencing joy, and all of a sudden something changes how we feel. Whether it is something small or large, inside of us our in the outer world, our mood can shift to the blues at the blink of an eye, and part of being human is learning how to move through a slump when we find we’re in it.

The intensity of a funk can range from when creative ideas just won’t come to full-fledged notions of laying in bed all day with the covers over our heads. Either way, there’s a time for honoring where we’re at, and there’s a time for moving through it.

Here Are 10 Ways to Get Out of A Slump:

1) Do something new.

Doing things we’ve never done before creates feelings of adventure, freedom, and joy. At the very least it gets us out of our routines which can lead to routine thoughts. As humans we require change – standing still is an illusion that leads to illness down the road. The secret is that getting outside of our comfort zones from time to time (even if it is just outside) usually frees up many aspects of our greatness that have been locked away from our easy access. Plus, adventure actually creates higher levels of dopamine in the brain – one of the crucial brain chemicals of satisfaction and love. My great philosophy of life is that all of life is an adventure – boredom is just a way we fool ourselves into mediocrity. Try a new exercise class, go outside at night and watch the stars, join a friend doing something they love, take a trip, go zip lining – anything!

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2) Exercise

Exercise produces endorphins which create a lighter and more empowered emotional experience. Sometimes our energy just gets a little bit stagnant. Exercise is one of the quicker ways to get it moving again. Do whatever sounds good. If nothing, then make something up. Walk on the beach. Do 15 minutes of jumping jacks, squats, and pushups. Google “10 Minute Workouts” and see what comes up. I love getting into water – the shift in elements immediately brightens my mood every time. Try my 5 Yoga Poses for Busy People.

3) Eat dark organic chocolate

Organic dark chocolate contains hundreds of chemicals. It has been proven in studies to produce high levels of endorphins and serotonin in the body. These are the feel good brain chemicals we need. Incidentally, dark chocolate is also high in antioxidants, so while you’re boosting your mood you can also boost your resistance to cancer and many other diseases. I like THIS ONE.

4) Get outdoors.

There’s nothing like a change of scene, fresh air, and a walk on the earth to boost a slumpy mood. The awesome thing about nature is that it reminds us that beauty occurs in chaos, and it teaches us about how little control we really do have over things outside of ourselves. Try not to think of anything other than where you are when you’re out and about. Connecting to the earth provides a frequency shift to the body that enhances calm feelings and relaxation. Being in the moment can unhook us from the mental rant about life being better in the past or scary in the future. Want to get the effects of earthing from inside your own bedroom? Try this EARTHING KIT. Real Fit Daddy and I did this for years before Z Baby came along, and the results were exceptional.

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5) Watch a TedTalk.

I once read on the internet that if you can’t get your mind right, watch a TedTalk. I did it and was soon inspired. Spending 10-20 minutes watching a TedTalk can shift your mental patterns from spiraling internally to moving out and forward. Ben Affleck of all people has a great list of his favorite TedTalks. These thoughtful and inspiring lectures get your mind focussed on the phenomenal and even if only for the time you’re watching, connected to the energy of greatness.

6) Watch a movie.

One of my favorite things to do when I can’t figure out what to do is to watch a movie. 2 hours or so of a complete story, and a journey that takes me out of my own present moment into another world. Either I watch a romantic comedy, a straight up comedy, or a movie that I know will either inspire me or make me cry and get my stuck feelings out. Invariably, I will finish the film in a different place than I began it, which I find completely relaxing.

7) Volunteer.

Sometimes when I’m in a slump it’s because I’m far too focussed on myself. Anger or other emotions turning inward can create a little tangle within that requires gentle unravelling. Offering up our energy for others shifts us to another wavelength altogether. There are always many ways to be of service in the world. Websites like this onecan provide ideas for where to contribute your efforts.

8) Call a friend.

Preferably someone who makes you laugh. Tell them you’re in a slump. Ask them if they can listen to you vent about all of the reasons why you’re in a slump for 2-5 minutes. Allow them to gently stop you at the end of your time. Now tell them what you DO want. If you don’t know, tell them you want to get clear about what you want next. At the very least, find something else to talk about or go get some tea together.

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9) Set a goal.

Even if it is a small one. If it is a bigger one, make sure you make steps to get there and celebrate each one of those. Post it on your wall. Hold yourself accountable. Acknowledge how awesome you are for meeting each small step along the way.

10) Create an awesome list.

About yourself. List the things you’ve created and done in your life that are awesome, big and small. Post it on your wall. Add to it whenever you walk by and have another awesome thing come to mind. Feel your value, power, and greatness.

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This post is linked to Thank Your Body Thursday.

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