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All You Need is Abs

allyouneedabsA good abs workout is worth its weight in gold. Not only does it tone the whole body, but it brings circulation to all of the major organs, which in turn promotes optimal health, digestive wellbeing, and a strong metabolism. The abdominal organs are the key center of detoxification and energy production.

Another benefit of doing abdominal work is supporting healthy posture and weight distribution through the joints. Not only does a strong abdomen support proper placement and function of the key organs – it also takes excess load off the ankles, knees, hips joints and spine to diminish pain and reduce injury.

My A-Ha About Abs

I never appreciated the power and potency of abdominal work the way I did after my daughter was born. It was then that I truly discovered the value of focussed workouts on my middle, and the near-magical holistic results of doing such work. Having your abs right can create immediate results of greater flexibility by promoting proper full-body alignment and crucial support for the spine and limbs. In addition to that it can improve digestion, decrease back pain, and enhance every aspect of health from lymphatic health and immunity to glowing skin.

Ready for a Workout?

Are you ready to get into some ab-work right now? Try my Core You Can Count On workout – easy to do any time and anywhere.

Hungry for More?

For a limited time, you can also pre-order WORK IT OUT. Work It Out is my next book, to be released May 1, 2014. It contains over 50 daily workouts, with pictures and how-to’s covering every area of the body. With a wide variety of routines covering a variety of techniques and styles, you can mix and match these daily workouts to create your desired results.

See also  Jump Start Your Day – 6 Jumps to Get You High

Work It Out includes a whole chapter on abs, as well as chapters on tai chi, yoga, strength training with props, cardio, workouts to boost coordination and balance, and many more exciting and fun ways to stay active and be fit. There are several chapters in the beginning of the book about the mind-body connectionand the effect of exercise on our emotional and mental wellbeing.

Limited Time Sale

From now until April 30th, you can pre-order Work It Out for HALF OFF the regular price! That’s only $14.50 from now through April 30th. When you do, the ebook will automatically be sent to you on May 1, 2014. Starting in May, the price goes up to $29, so now is the time to save!

Tell a friend and gift the book too!

You can buy one for yourself and your friends as well. You can also purchase my ebook Real Fit at Every Age right now for 20% off – simply enter the code SPRING20 at checkout. Real Fit at Every Age is a helpful guide to achieving healthy fitness at every age and stage of life. With over 1000 copies sold in the first 6 months, Real Fit at Every Age continues to receive great reviews from readers who have found it to be deeply valuable and personal. It includes full-color photographs and an instructional appendix for several types of exercise discussed in the book.

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