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Behind the PALEO Obsession


You may (or may not) already be aware of what exactly Paleo means, but you’ve likely seen it, if not in front of your face, in your periphery.

Mainstream stores, including Costco & Sam’s club are selling Paleo books at a low price. Several Paleo books have graced the New York Times bestseller list.  Paleo is cropping up everywhere these days.

Why the world is obsessed with Paleo

In the digital age and the 21st century humanity has come to a point of maximum distance from our early roots, and at any extreme, things turn back toward their beginnings.

A lifestyle based on natural foods, unprocessed foods, and a simplified style of living on every level – food, stress management, exercise and sleep – is very appealing in our complicated times.

In the last several decades we have seen a huge rise in chronic disease – including diabetes, heart disease, cancer, auto-immune conditions, and depression.  No one can deny that this is a medical reality.  It is a drastic, terrifying, and disheartening truth – more so when we look at the affects on children aged 1-5 and their shortening life expectancy.

Have you ever held a baby?  If you have, think about that awe you felt looking at the completeness, the wholeness of that tiny being, the amazement at them having a whole life ahead of them.  Now take 10-15 years off that vision for Baby.  That is the medical truth of our times.

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If we don’t do something NOW to change our health, this is how it will be – for our children, and for their children.  It is terrifying.

The mainstream medical community admits there’s a problem, and the public realizes that things are not right.  Paleo appeals because it is about returning to our birthright – to live long, disease-free, and healthy lives.

The Nay-Sayers

One of the major arguments AGAINST Paleo is that disease has existed for a long time, but not under the current diagnoses, so to say that our ancestors were healthier than us is not entirely accurate.  Some people also argue the precise historical and health facts behind paleolithic eating.

Let me just say this:  Our ancient ancestors had their own challenges.  No one is saying that they had it perfect or that their lifestyle carried the secret to life.  It’s very simple – we can include the best they had to offer, the wisdom of ancestral living, to make our present (and our future) healthy.

If you or your loved ones have any health conditions – food allergies, fatigue, IBS, low energy, foggy brain, auto-immune concerns, heart disease, cancer, depression, anxiety, or any other of the hundreds of discomforts out there, I encourage you to look into a flexible Paleo diet.  I say flexible because I believe that a drastic, extreme or starkly different plan than you are currently on may not be the best first step for you.

Remember, you are on a healing journey.  Each step you take is significant.  It doesn’t have to be all or nothing.

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Blogs are a great way to learn about the Paleo lifestyle.  I recommend Primally InspiredThe Paleo MamaStupid Easy PaleoPopular Paleo, and Healthy Living How To. Check out their websites, even join their mailing lists, if  you’re intrested in learning more about the Paleo diet (and remember, every healthy tip you incorporate is a POSITIVE step in your health life).

I must give honorable mention to some other well-known members of the Paleo community – Michelle Tam of Nom Nom PaleoRobb Wolf, and Chris Kresser. There are many more – I won’t list everyone here.  I encourage you to keep researching on your own with an open mind, and feel free to email me or comment below with any questions you have!

I am currently reading Your Personal Paleo Code.  I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in a deep look at how a flexible paleo diet can positively impact your health (and your family’s) and how to adapt these habits for your PERSONAL body (eg, as an athlete, I thrive with a small amount of soaked grains as well as raw fermented dairy).

To catch hour-long podcasts from Chris Kresser, Robb Wolf, Healthy Living How To, The Paleo Mama, and Stupid Easy Paleo, grab this summit download package – on sale through Midnight Friday, 1/24/14.

PAID ENDORSEMENT DISCLOSURE: In order for me to support my blogging activities, I may receive monetary compensation or other types of remuneration for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial and/or link to any products or services from this blog.

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